
How to use and Abacus The most common Abacus is the 2/5 Abacus. This means that there are two beads on above the bar and 5 beads below the bar. This abacus is in base 10 this means that each rod/column is each of the separate 10s position. For the example below this can represent every number from 0 to 99999. Starting point When retesting it to 0 all of the beads will be not touching the mid bar. This means that the top beads are up and the bottom beads are down. ...

February 11, 2025 · 2 min · GeneralZer0

Satellite Orbits

Orbits This will be a multi part series about Orbits and the GPS system. Part 1: Satellite Orbits (This Post) Part 2: GPS Satellites and Distances [WIP] Part 3: Correcting for non-precise time [WIP] Before getting into the GPS part of this series we first need to know some simple things about GPS. There are many different GPS Satellites but they operate on the same principal. They have multiple atomic clocks which are used to get a precise time. Then send that time in a RF signal to earth so that devices can retrieve that time and use it to calculate how long it took to get there. Using the time distance and knowing that the RF signal will be traveling at the Speed of light you can get the distance from the satellite to the receiver(You). Using at least 3 (when you also have a atomic clock) or 4 you can figure out where in space you are located. Then you can convert this to latitude, longitude and height on the earth. ...

December 11, 2024 · 8 min · GeneralZer0

Binary Karatsuba Multiplication

I recently looked at a amazing peice of simple mathmatics called Karatsuba’s Multiplication. The orignal article went in depth proving that it does infact decrease the ammount of expencive opetation when multiplying numbers together. This was an intristing descovery and when I though about it further I beleve that I can make it even faster than that in terms of a computer. I will take his basic condition and improve on it ...

February 20, 2014 · 1 min · GeneralZer0