If you are looking for a full information on how DES works look at this link.
DES likes doing permutations at the bit level of everything.
- It does them on the initial key input before generating the round keys
- It does them on each block of the input message before splitting it into the left and right inputs
- During the round it expands the input by 10 bits using a permutation.
- The main encryption uses a substitution box
- The output of that substitution box is also permutated
- To top it off there is a final permutation at the end.
Its weird because most of these permutations are reversible and don’t really offer any more security but maybe its because its an old algorithm that’s why it is what it is.
3DES is just DES but done three times and is just as simple as
#Break input key into keys for 3DES
if len(self.key) == 16:
key1 = self.key[:8]
key2 = self.key[8:16]
key3 = key1
elif len(self.key) == 24:
key1 = self.key[:8]
key2 = self.key[8:16]
key3 = self.key[16:24]
raise Exception("Invaid Key fror 3DES")
#Do Encryption with first key
message = self.encrypt(message)
#Do Decryption with second key
message = self.decrypt(message)
#Do Encryption with third key
return self.encrypt(message)
The encryption key is broken into 8 byte chunks and used to generate the three keys. If the key is only 16 bytes then the first key is the same as the third key. This makes 3DES backwards compatible with DES if both the first and second key are the same. Since it does a encrypt and decrypt the input to the third key will be the original plaintext.
Python Implementation
The code is also located on github. Please don’t use this in actual products.
from cryptopals_lib import fixedlen_xor, to_blocks, int_to_bytes
class DES():
"""docstring for DES"""
def __init__(self,key,IV=None):
self.sbox = [[14,4,13,1,2,15,11,8,3,10,6,12,5,9,0,7,0,15,7,4,14,2,13,1,10,6,12,11,9,5,3,8,
self.pre_subkey_permutation = [56,48,40,32,24,16,8,0,57,49,41,33,25,17,9,1,58,50,42,34,26,18,10,2,59,51,43,35,
self.subkey_permutation = [13,16,10,23,0,4,2,27,14,5,20,9,22,18,11,3,25,7,15,6,26,19,12,1,40,51,30,36,46,54,
self.inital_perm = [57,49,41,33,25,17,9,1,59,51,43,35,27,19,11,3,61,53,45,37,29,21,13,5,
self.expantion_table = [31,0,1,2,3,4,3,4,5,6,7,8,7,8,9,10,11,12,11,12,13,14,15,16,15,16,17,18,19,20,
self.sbox_perm = [15,6,19,20,28,11,27,16,0,14,22,25,4,17,30,9,1,7,23,13,31,26,2,8,18,12,29,5,21,10,3,24]
self.final_permutation = [39,7,47,15,55,23,63,31,38,6,46,14,54,22,62,30,37,5,45,13,53,21,61,29,
self.block_size = 64
self.left_rotations = [1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,1]
#Create Subkeys
self.key = key
def _gen_subkeys(self, key):
self.subkeys = ["" for _ in range(16)]
binary_key = "".join(["{0:>08b}".format(int(x)) for x in key])
output_key = ""
#Permutate the key using PC1
for index in self.pre_subkey_permutation:
output_key += binary_key[index]
#Split into Left and Right
left_key, right_key = output_key[:28], output_key[28:]
for round_num in range(16):
#shift_rotate_left the left key
left_key = left_key[self.left_rotations[round_num]:] + left_key[:self.left_rotations[round_num]]
#shift_rotate_left the right key
right_key = right_key[self.left_rotations[round_num]:] + right_key[:self.left_rotations[round_num]]
#Join the keys together into a full key
full_key = left_key + right_key
#Create the subkeys
for index in self.subkey_permutation:
self.subkeys[round_num] += full_key[index]
def _round_opperation(self, round_key, right_message):
right_message_expanded = ""
s_box_sub = ""
s_box_out = ""
#Expand the message to 42 bytes using a permutation with duplicate entries
for index in self.expantion_table:
right_message_expanded += right_message[index]
#Xor round key with expanded right message
right_message_expanded = fixedlen_xor(round_key, right_message_expanded)
#Convert right key into 6bit sbox inputs
sbox_inputs = to_blocks(right_message_expanded, 6)
#Do sbox subsitution
for sbox_index, sbox_input in enumerate(sbox_inputs):
#Generate row and coulmn from input data
#Row is the first and last bit of the 6bit input
row_num = int(sbox_input[0] + sbox_input[-1], 2)
#Comumn is the second through fifth bit of the 6bit input
column_num = int(sbox_input[1:5], 2)
#Do sbox subistution with the correct sub index and round and column index
s_box_sub += "{0:>04b}".format(self.sbox[sbox_index][row_num*16 + column_num])
#Do final permutation on sbox output
for index in self.sbox_perm:
s_box_out += s_box_sub[index]
return s_box_out
def _encrypt_message_chunk(self, message_chunk):
output_chunk = ""
#Do Permentation on the block of the plaintext message
for index in self.inital_perm:
output_chunk += message_chunk[index]
#Break the message into left and right
left_message, right_message = output_chunk[:32], output_chunk[32:]
#Do rounds
for round_key in self.subkeys:
#Backup the previous right message
right_message_copy = right_message
#Do the Round opperation with the round key
tmp = self._round_opperation(round_key, right_message)
#Set Right message to the xor of the round opperation and the left message
right_message = fixedlen_xor(left_message, tmp)
#Set the left message to the old right message
left_message = right_message_copy
#Join the message parts together but swap the left and the right side
full_message = right_message + left_message
output_chunk = ""
#Do final Permutaiton before the data is outputed
for index in self.final_permutation:
output_chunk += full_message[index]
return int_to_bytes(int(output_chunk, 2))
def encrypt(self, message):
binary_message = "".join(["{0:>08b}".format(int(x)) for x in message])
output_message = b""
#Opperate on each of the 64 byte chunks
for chunk in to_blocks(binary_message, self.block_size):
output_message += self._encrypt_message_chunk(chunk)
return output_message
def encrypt_3(self, message):
#Break input key into keys for 3DES
if len(self.key) == 16:
key1 = self.key[:8]
key2 = self.key[8:16]
key3 = key1
elif len(self.key) == 24:
key1 = self.key[:8]
key2 = self.key[8:16]
key3 = self.key[16:24]
raise Exception("Invaid Key fror 3DES")
#Do Encryption with first key
message = self.encrypt(message)
#Do Decryption with second key
message = self.decrypt(message)
#Do Encryption with third key
return self.encrypt(message)
def decrypt(self, message):
binary_message = "".join(["{0:>08b}".format(int(x)) for x in message])
output_message = b""
#Decryption is the same as encryption but with the subkeys in reverse order.
#Reverse the order of the subkeys
#Opperate on each of the 64 byte chunks
for chunk in to_blocks(binary_message, self.block_size):
output_message += self._encrypt_message_chunk(chunk)
return output_message
def decrypt_3(self, message):
#Break input key into keys for 3DES
if len(self.key) == 16:
key1 = self.key[:8]
key2 = self.key[8:16]
key3 = key1
elif len(self.key) == 24:
key1 = self.key[:8]
key2 = self.key[8:16]
key3 = self.key[16:24]
raise Exception("Invaid Key fror 3DES")
#Do Decryption with third key
message = self.decrypt(message)
#Do Encryption with second key
message = self.encrypt(message)
#Do Decryption with first key
message = self.decrypt(message)
return message
if __name__ == '__main__':
des1 = DES(b"64bitKey")
ct = des1.encrypt(b"Secret Message!!")
pt = des1.decrypt(ct)
des2 = DES(b"64bitKey32bitKey16bitKey")
ct = des2.encrypt_3(b"Secret Message!!")
pt = des2.decrypt_3(ct)
As always don’t use this code for sensitive information and email me at crypto[at]generalzero.org with any corrections.